All residents should be familiar with the official bylaws and policies governing the Village of Barnwell. Taber Police Service (403-223-8991) serves as the Village of Barnwell’s bylaw enforcement officer, responsible for the Village of Barnwell’s bylaws as well as animal control.
Official copies of all Bylaws and Policies can be viewed in person at the Village office.
Popular Bylaws
- Water Conservation Bylaw
- Animal Regulations Bylaw
- Dog Bylaw
- Restricted Dog Bylaw
- Dog Control Amendments
- Village Municipal Development Plan Bylaw
- Land Use Bylaw (Amendment 05-24 listed below)
- Open Burning Bylaw
- Nuisance and Unsightly Bylaw
- Traffic Bylaw
- Traffic Bylaw Amendment
- Cannabis Smoking Bylaw
- Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw
- Fire Services Bylaw Green Light Bylaw
- Public Notification Bylaw
- Council Code of Conduct Bylaw
- Council Procedural Bylaw
- Noise Abatement
Bylaws (partial list)
The Village of Barnwell is working hard to upload digital copies of all active Bylaws and commits to having the job done by the end of 2024. As always, original signed copies of the Bylaws and Policies are available for in-person viewing in the Village Office during business hours.
- Bylaw 05-24 Amends the Land Use Bylaw
- Bylaw 03-24 Taxation Rates Levied Against Assessable Property 2024
- Bylaw 02-24 Water Conservation
- Bylaw 01-24 Repeal of Bylaw No. 05-98, No. 07-98
2011 – 2020
- Bylaw 07-19 Council Procedural Bylaw – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-21
- Bylaw 06-19 (Torrie Porter DASP) Revised Bylaw 05-19 – AMENDMENT TO BYLAW 05-19
- Bylaw 05-19 Torrie Porter Development Area Structure Plan (DASP) – AMENDED BY BYLAW 06-19
- Bylaw 04-19 Mill Rate 2019
- Bylaw 03-19 Traffic Bylaw
- Bylaw 02-19 Chinook Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
- Bylaw 01-19 Land Use Bylaw – AMENDED BY BYLAW 03-21
- Bylaw 07-18 Chief Administrative Officer
- Bylaw 06-18 Cannabis Non-Smoking Bylaw
- Bylaw 05-18 Miscellaneous Restrictions – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 03-19
- Bylaw 04-18 Bylaw Enforcement Officer
- Bylaw 03-18 Millrate 2018
- Bylaw 02-18 Public Notification Bylaw
- Bylaw 01-18 Municipal Emergency Management Agency – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 02-20
- Bylaw 06-17 Council Code of Conduct
- Bylaw 05-17 Municipal District of Taber and the Village of Barnwell Intermunicipal Framework Agreement – Copy of Agreement available for viewing in person during business hours
- Bylaw 04-17 Millrate 2017
- Bylaw 03-17 Green Light Bylaw
- Bylaw 02-17 Land Use Bylaw – Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
- Bylaw 01-17 Fire Service Bylaw
- Bylaw 04-15 Off Site Levy Bylaw – AMENDMENT TO BYLAW 05-09
- Bylaw 03-15 Land Use Bylaw – Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
- Bylaw 02-15 Mill Rate 2015
- Bylaw 01-15 Traffic Bylaw – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 03-19
- Bylaw 04-14 Land Use Bylaw Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
- Bylaw 03-14 Mill Rate 2014
- Bylaw Numbers 02-14 and 01-14 not used
- Bylaw 03-13 Burning Bylaw – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-17
- Bylaw 02-13 Municipal Development Plan (Adoption – see link for plan)
- Bylaw 01-13 Fortis Franchise Agreement
- Bylaw 03-12 Nuisance and Unsightly Premises
- Bylaw 02-12 Land Use Bylaw Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
- Bylaw 01-12 Mill Rate 2012
- Bylaw 06-11 Regional Assessment Review Board
- Bylaw 05-11 Mill Rate 2011
- Bylaw 04-11 Land Use Bylaw Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
- Bylaw 02-11 ATCO Franchise Agreement – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-22
- Bylaw 03-11 Tax Exemption Bylaw 2011
- Bylaw 01-11 number not used
2001 – 2010
- Bylaw 03-10 Land Use Bylaw Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
- Bylaw 02-10 Mill Rate 2010
- Bylaw 01-10 Tax Exemption Bylaw 2010
- Bylaw 05-09 Off Site Levy Bylaw (No charts)
- Bylaw 04-09 Public Roadway
- Bylaw 03-09 Mill Rate 2009
- Bylaw 02-09 Land Use Bylaw – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
- Bylaw 01-09 Tax Exemption Bylaw 2009
- Bylaw 05-08 Municipal Emergency Management Agency Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-18
- Bylaw 04-08 Land Use Bylaw Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
- Bylaw 03-08 Mill Rate 2008
- Bylaw 02-08 Land Use Bylaw Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
- Bylaw 01-08 Municipal Emergency Management Agency – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-18
- Bylaw 03-04 Other Animal Bylaw – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 03-20
- Bylaw 02-04 Mill Rate 2004
- Bylaw 01-04 Land Use Bylaw Amendment – RESCINDED BY BYLAW 01-19
Policies are generally more detailed and procedural than Bylaws. Policies are meant to expand on, not supersede Bylaws and where a policy disagrees with a Bylaw, the Bylaw will take precedence.
Current Policies in the Village of Barnwell
- Policy 06-97 Master Rate Schedule
- Policy 04-97 Ice Arena
- Policy 03-97 Snow Removal
- Policy 02-24 Public Works Overtime
- Policy 01-22 Municipal Engineering Standards
- Policy 01-24 Budget Process and Timeline
- Policy 01-21 Vacation Policy
- Policy 02-21 Willow Park Facility and Equipment Rental
- Policy 02-23 Utility Services Fees
- Policy 03-19 Corporate Credit Card
- Policy 02-19 Off-Site Levy Payment
- Policy 02-18 Public Participation and Communication
- Policy 02-24 Public Works Overtime
- Policy 06-15 Utility Connection Fee
- Policy 05-15 Travel and Subsistence
- Policy 03-15 Park and Playground Maintenance
- Policy 02-13 Cemetery Rate
- Policy 01-12 Bulk Water Customer Accounts
- Policy 01-11 Employee Annual Salary Increases
- Policy 02-09 Land Use Bylaw Fee Schedule
- Policy 02-08 Tangible Capital Assets
- Policy 02-07 Capital Assets
- Policy 01-00 Expenditures – Budgeted and Unbudgeted
- Policy 01-23 Municipal-Engineering-Standards (also see Urban Construction and Design Standards)
- Policy 03-99 FOIP (Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection)
- Policy 02-99 Water & Sewer System Maintenance
- Policy 01-99 Scheduling and Disposition of Inactive Records
- Policy 05-98 Snow Plowing and Sanding
- Policy 04-98 Risk Management Policy Statement
- Policy 03-98 Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter Maintenance
- Policy 02-98 Village Vehicles
- Policy 01-98 Public Utility Charges
- Policy 05-97 Use of Council Chambers
- Policy 02-97 Public Notice of Meetings
- Policy 01-97 Unbudgeted Expenditures (see Policy 01-00 for more information)