The Village of Barnwell with the assistance of the Alberta Municipal Water/wastewater grant program, constructed a new Water Treatment Plant in 2006–07, located south of Highway 3 (93063-Rge. Rd. 174). It is a state-of-the-art Pall Membrane filtration system that produces high-quality water year-round. All residential water is metered with Neptune radio read water metres.
Bulk water is available at the Water Treatment Plant through a prepaid system. All bulk water users must set up and prepay for a bulk water account at the Village office.
- Basic rate (Village residents): $50.00/month
- Basic rate (MD residents): $75.00/month
- Consumption rate (Village residents): $ 1.30/cubic metre
- Consumption rate (MD residents): $1.60/ cubic metre
- Bulk Water Station rate: $3.44/cubic metre
New Construction – Connection Fee
In accordance with Policy 06-15, all new Construction that is connected to Village of Barnwell utility infrastructure must pay a connection fee in order to connect with Municipal utilities.
The connection fee shall be paid prior to issuance of the Development Permit, however, failure of the Village to collect the fee prior to issuance of the Development Permit does not negate the responsibility of the property owner to pay it and it may be collected in the same manner as all other rates and charges as per Bylaw 01-03 Water and Sewer Bylaw.
This fee includes the issuance of water meter hardware which must be installed in accordance with manufacturers guidelines.
Connection fee within Village limits: $2500.00
Connection fee MD of Taber residents (where applicable): $5000.00
Fees are subject to change.
The Village sewer is treated with a lagoon system at the Village’s north end.
- Basic rate (Village residents): $26/month
- Basic rate (MD residents): $40.00/month
The Village contracts garbage pick-up for each household every Friday using the new garbage carts. All household garbage must be put in the garbage carts and the lids must be able to fully close. The garbage carts should be placed at the curb in front of the household on Friday mornings by 8:30 a.m. If there is a statutory holiday on the Friday, the garbage pick-up day will be the following business day, usually the following Monday.
Any excess garbage, or garbage that cannot fit into your garbage cart, may be taken to the Town of Taber Waste Transfer Station located West on 64th Avenue (Taber) and Highway 864. For more information contact (403) 223-5569. At the facility, all material to be dumped must be separated and disposed of in the appropriately marked locations. Applicable fees will be charged at the station.
- Basic rate (all residents): $16.00/month
The Village encourages recycling and offers a curbside recycling program. Each household has been given a blue recycle cart for this program. Recycle carts should be placed against the curb in front of the house on alternating Fridays for pick up. Pick up dates will fall on the pink Fridays for the rest of the 2023 calendar year. A new recycle calendar will be posted for 2024.
- Basic rate (Village residents): $11.00/month
- Basic rate (MD residents): $11.00/month

Village Account 7852001 = Online Account 7852
Payment Options
The Village doesn’t offer direct withdrawal options, however, you can still pay online through your financial institution.
Simply set us up as a payee through your online ‘pay bills’ feature. Note that if you are a homeowner in Barnwell you will need to set up the following two payee accounts:
- Village of Barnwell – Utilities
- Village of Barnwell – Taxes