About Barnwell

Learn more about Barnwell’s demographics, economy, culture and history, community groups and resources.

The Village of Barnwell is a friendly community that offers a great place to live, work and play!

Why Choose Barnwell?

Just a few reasons why the Village of Barnwell is a great place to call home.

Village Profile and Map

Find information on the Village of Barnwell, including its geography, demographics, economy, culture, and quality of life.

Village History

Here, find information on the history of the Village of Barnwell including key historical dates, events and personalities.

Health and Social Services

Here you will find information on health, wellness and other social services offered in the Village of Barnwell, as well as contact information.

Schools and Youth

Find information on youth services and programs in the Village of Barnwell, including local schools, education services, child care and youth-related services.

Seniors and Retirement

Find information on available services for seniors and retirees in the Village of Barnwell.

Community Groups and Resources

Find information on community groups and resources in the Village of Barnwell, including a list of groups and resources and their contact information.

Photo Gallery

Find a wide variety of photos of the Village of Barnwell.
