Licenses & Permits

Find information on business licenses and permits in the Village of Barnwell — including a list of required licenses and permits, application rules and procedures, forms, and contact information.

Businesses operating within the Village of Barnwell require a valid business license. A business includes any trade, profession, industry, occupation, employment or calling and activity for the provision of goods and services.


Provincial legislation exempts some businesses from requiring a Village Business License. Businesses not requiring a Village Business License include professional offices for doctors, dentists, engineers, surveyors (architects), and insurance sales.

Business Licensing and Permits

Business Bylaw


Examples of some Village Business License fees include:

For Residents

  • Single business, trade, calling or occupation: $ 25 per year
  • Home Occupations: $ 25 per year

Non Residents

  • For all or any type of business, trade or occupation:
    • $ 100 per year
    • $ 10 per day
  • Hawkers, peddlers: $ 10 per day
