As we are all spending so much more time at home, a lot of us are doing some home improvements or making plans for renovations. You should be aware that if you are planning on adding a shed or deck or addition to your property, you will need to apply for a Development Permit with the Village of Barnwell. Any accessory building that is over 100 square feet requires a permit. If you want to add more than one accessory building you will need a permit. If you have already built or added these structures, you still need to get a permit. You can refer to the Land Use Bylaw No. 01-19 to make sure your plans meet the requirements of the Village bylaw. Any further questions can be directed to the Village Office for further clarification.
Development Permits
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Garbage and Recycling Pickup
February 13 – February 14Garbage Pickup
February 20 – February 21Garbage and Recycling Pickup
February 27 – February 28Garbage Pickup
March 6 – March 7Garbage and Recycling Pickup
March 13 – March 14