Bylaws, Policies, and Financials

Find information on bylaws and official policies passed by the Village of Barnwell.

All residents should be familiar with the official bylaws and policies governing the Village of Barnwell.  Don McCrae (403-223-4018) serves as the Village of Barnwell’s bylaw enforcement officer, responsible for the Village of Barnwell’s bylaws as well as animal control.

Official copies of all Bylaws and Policies can be viewed in person at the Village office.  

Popular Bylaws

The Village of Barnwell is working hard to upload digital copies of all active Bylaws and commits to having the job done by the end of 2022. As always, original signed copies of the Bylaws and Policies are available for in-person viewing in the Village Office during business hours.

Bylaws (partial list – we are working on getting them all uploaded)

2011 – 2020


Policies are generally more detailed and procedural than Bylaws. Policies are meant to expand on, not supersede Bylaws and where a policy disagrees with a Bylaw, the Bylaw will take precedence.

Financial Statements

Audited Consolidated Financial Statements

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